

CDK Systems Ltd is committed to a policy of designing, manufacturing, supplying and installing products of quality, and ensuring that customers' requirements are met.

To implement this policy CDK Systems Ltd is committed to operate a Quality Management System as defined in our Quality Manual and the supporting Procedures, Instructions and documentation.

This aim cannot be achieved without the total commitment of all personnel to the quality system. A fundamental part of the quality policy is the education and involvement of personnel at all levels.

The Quality System, its procedures, design control and inspection/test procedures are designed and documented to ensure that the quality of the product conforms to the specified requirement. The requirements and methods expressed in the Procedures/Instructions are mandatory for all company employees.

Planning - Adequate quality planning for the introduction of new product, technologies, materials or procedures is co-ordinated by the Quality Nominee, who is responsible for the approval and implementation of suitable inspection, test and process control checks.

Documentation - Comprehensive Quality Procedures and Work Instructions are available throughout the Company, and form an integral part of the Company's structured Documentation System.

Drawings/Specifications - All drawings/specifications are filed, issue controlled, and have their revision status maintained and recorded.

External Reference Standards - All External Reference Standards, e.g. British Institution Standards and documentation are filed, controlled and subjected to amendment or replacement when changes occur.

Quality Records - Quality Records and data which demonstrate achievement of the required product quality and effective operation of the Quality System are filed, stored and retained for 5 years.